oil & gas drilling

oil & gas

We provide contract services to supervise on-site drilling activities for operating companies. We specifically focus on safety supervision and pad site construction safety to ensure all your contractors are working safely. Our primary focus is to maintain the highest safety standards, ensure compliance with federal and state regulations, and to ensure the safety of ALL employees-contractors at the drill site.


Operators benefit greatly from hiring Scott Safety Consultants rather than employing their own. We offer a large pool of highly talented and experienced Safetymen who are readily available for your drilling venture.


We will monitor operations carried out by subcontractors and service companies.

This oversight ensures that safety protocols are followed and risks are minimized.


In summary, Scott Safety Consultants contribute significantly to maintaining a safe work environment, preventing accidents, and protecting lives on land drilling rigs. Our expertise and vigilance are invaluable for the well-being of all personnel involved, so call us today!